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Public Reports

We regularly run reports on noteworthy OSS projects.
You can run a report on any public GitHub repo with our demo.

Reports for Week of January 7, 2024

The Dispatch Demo - mlabonne/llm-course

The Dispatch Demo - apple/coremltools

OSS Report: googleapis/googleapis

Reports for Week of December 31, 2023

OSS Report: coolsnowwolf/lede

The Dispatch Demo - KwaiKEG/KwaiAgents

The Dispatch Demo - commaai/openpilot

OSS Report: THUDM/ChatGLM3

OSS Report: songquanpeng/one-api

OSS Report: nomic-ai/gpt4all

The Dispatch Demo - imartinez/privateGPT

Reports for Week of December 24, 2023

OSS Report: mnotgod96/AppAgent

Weekly: thedispatch/dispatch

OSS Report: infiniflow/infinity

The Dispatch Demo - geekan/MetaGPT

OSS Report: public-apis/public-apis

The Dispatch Demo: aineko-dev/aineko

The Dispatch Demo - aineko-dev/aineko

The Dispatch Demo - Project-DARC/DARC

The Dispatch Demo: jmorganca/ollama

Weekly: thedispatch/dispatch

The Dispatch Demo: spree/spree_starter

The Dispatch Demo: solidusio/solidus